Project 2027.

An Issues-Based Advocacy Resources Hub for Nigeria’s Future.


Nigeria has the potential to be better, stronger, and prosperous, but this can only be achieved through the collective and unified action of 50 million committed Nigerians working together.

Imagine a coalition of 10 million taxpayers, 20 million professionals, 30 million young people, thousands of citizen-led movements, creators, journalists, and media organisations working together to harness their energy, expertise, time, and resources to achieve reforms and shape Nigeria’s future while retaining operational independence.

About #Project2027

Introducing #Project2027an Issue-Based Advocacy resources hub that seeks to consolidate expertise, energy, and voices to achieve five critical outcomes over the next 2 years ahead of the 2027 General Elections.

#Project2027 adopts an issue-based approach, providing expertise and resources to empower grassroots movements, NGOs and citizens to shape Nigeria’s future. #Project2027 aims to provide advocacy resources and support to 50 million informed citizens committed to creating a functional, inclusive Nigeria that works for everyone.

The initiative focuses on five key outcomes that form the foundation of its advocacy efforts.

#Project2027 - Focus Outcomes

1. Institutional Reforms for Free and Fair Elections - #FixINEC#FixNigeria

Reforming and strengthening institutions responsible for elections is essential to restore trust in democracy. #Project2027 will champion the following reforms:

  • #FixINEC: Advocate for systemic reforms to ensure the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) delivers free, fair, and credible electoral processes. 

These reforms will create the foundation for accountability, fairness, and good governance in Nigeria.

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2. Developing a Citizen-led Collective Governance agenda for the Class of 2027 - #ThePeoplesMandate.

#Project2027 will develop a collective governance agenda, a list of policy priorities, reforms, and demands across several sectors that reflect Nigerians’ aspirations. This agenda will set clear priorities for economic development, education, healthcare, and infrastructure to drive tangible improvements in citizens’ lives.

This #ThePeoplesConsensus will serve as a blueprint to hold leaders accountable and guide governance priorities after the 2027 elections.

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3. Recruit and Empower a New Class of Values-Based Leaders - #TheNewClass

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Values-based leadership is essential to Nigeria’s transformation. #Project2027 will:

  • Identify and recruit individuals with integrity, competence, and vision to run for public office.
  • #Project 2027 Coalitions partners and Mandate4 will provide these leaders with training, resources and technical support to ensure their success in elections and governance.
  • Establish monitoring mechanisms to track their performance, ensuring they remain accountable and aligned with their mandates.

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4. Reform Political Parties and Enable the Formation of Values-Based Parties - #ReformPoliticalParties.

Political parties are the engines of governance. #Project2027 will:

  • Advocate for internal reforms within existing parties, ensuring they prioritise competence, integrity, and a commitment to public service.
  • Support the emergence of new political parties that adhere to explicit ideologies, robust internal structures, and a dedication to serving Nigerians.

This approach will ensure political parties produce candidates with character, competence, and capacity, aligning with Nigeria’s long-term development goals.

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5. Citizens United for Good Governance - #CitizensUnited

#Project2027 Coalition will empower everyday Nigerians to participate actively in governance by:

  • Supporting the creation and sustenance of a grassroots network of engaged citizens advocating for reforms and supporting values-based leaders. 
  • Enable hosting town halls and forums to encourage dialogue between citizens and leaders.
  • Facilitating citizen-led monitoring initiatives to track government projects and policies, ensuring transparency and effective implementation.

This collective will channel citizens’ energy into tangible actions, making them active participants in building the Nigeria they envision.

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#Project2027’s Endgame

#Project2027 seeks to create a coalition that empowers citizens, movements, taxpayers, NGOs, activists, and journalists to drive reforms. By uniting these groups under a shared framework while respecting their independence, #Project2027 ensures the will of its people shapes Nigeria’s future.

Together, we can build a stronger, more just and inclusive Nigeria.